You know the drill: Eat less. Exercise more. Lose weight. Seems simple enough, right? “The conventional wisdom has been that there are no good foods or bad foods—that counting calories and eating everything in moderation is the answer. That’s a myth,” says Frank Hu, MD, PhD, professor of nutrition and epidemiology at Harvard School of Public Health. “Food can heavily influence the hormones and biological pathways that influence hunger, satiety and fat accumulation, so you have to make wise choices.”
For the healthiest and most sustainable approach to weight management, you may want to ditch fad diets, which can have a yo-yo effect and don’t necessarily take into consideration your specific needs and preferences. Instead, opt for nutrient-dense whole foods and holistic eating habits.
In this free eGuide, you’ll find:
- Nutritional steps to successful weight loss
- Smart nutrition advice for controlling blood sugar
- Tips for ditching refined sugars from your diet
- How to conquer belly fat
- Proven ingredients to support healthy metabolism