What is it? Salba is the trademarked name for the white seeds produced by a variety of Salvia hispanica L. — the same plant of Chia Pet fame.
What are its health benefits? Gram for gram, Salba contains eight times more omega-3 fatty acids than salmon, 25 percent more fiber than flaxseed, and six times more calcium than whole milk. Stuffed with protein, antioxidants, and minerals, the seed has been shown to regulate blood sugar levels and blood pressure.
How is it different from a chia seed? Although they have a similar shape and size, Salba boasts 35 percent more protein and 30 percent more omega-3s than chia seed. Salba also commands a higher price tag.
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What does it taste like? Salba has a bland taste that becomes slightly nutty when baked.
How do you use it? Grown in Peru, Salba is sold in bags and as an ingredient in prepared foods, such as tortillas, breads, pastas, and chips. The whole seed works well sprinkled on salad or cereal, blended into smoothies, and ground into flour for baking.