If what comes to mind when you think of “seaweed” is “sushi” or “slimy,” you’ve got a whole new plant-based world to discover. These five recipes put the superfood seaweed to good use. From a seafood pasta with wakame pesto to an alkalizing and anti-inflammatory spirulina smoothie, and plenty of seaweed adventure in between, these recipes will have you diving for more.
Seaweed’s biggest attraction may be its subtle flavors and versatility. It adds a hard-to-define savory note to vegetarian dishes and an umami-heavy body to seafood, and it even replaces bacon in a BLT. And let’s not forget about the health benefits. Seaweed is swimming with nutritious minerals, including calcium, potassium, and magnesium, and vitamins.
Dive into the world of seaweed and come back with a healthy haul of fabulous flavors to make dinner more delicious.
Spirulina Smoothie with Banana and Honeydew Melon
Popcorn with Togarashi-Seaweed Spice Blend
Linguine Alle Vongole with Seaweed Pesto
DLTs: Dulse, Lettuce, Tomato, and Avocado Crostini
Eggplant-Crusted Mushroom Quiche with Arame