According to recent research, regularly eating watercress significantly decreases DNA damage to cells. Pair that with the abundant antioxidants in grapefruit and avocado, and you have a refreshing and healthy late-winter salad.
Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, high-fiber flaxseeds offer nutrient benefits only when ground (whole flaxseeds pass right through), so opt for the most finely ground flaxseeds you can find, or grind your own in a coffee grinder.
Quinoa is a quick-cooking and versatile whole grain. This unusual approach pairs it with dill and salmon, with felicitous results.
Use this delicious rich stock in soups and stews.
This dessert needs to be made a day or two ahead and refrigerated, then brought to room temp before serving.
This easy appetizer will impress your guests.
The secrets to this salad are a very crisp apple and a very hot pan for searing the scallops.
A zinc-rich aphrodisiac.
Green onions and asparagus combine for a refreshing side dish.