If you like “chewy” drinks you’ll love this fiber-filled smoothie.
So refreshing! The mint livens up this basic smoothie. Serve over ice cubes if you like.
This is a thick, substantial smoothie that makes a good meal replacement when it’s too hot to cook. Kefir, a drinkable yogurt, contains beneficial live probiotic cultures.
Fire up your food processor to make this incredibly simple and refreshing treat.
These Asian-inspired turkey burgers sing when paired with fresh, homemade blueberry ketchup.
Blueberries beautifully complement this tangy, satisfying, and protein-rich salad. A crowd-pleasing summertime entrée.
Jazz up your standard salsa routine with fresh summer blueberries and pineapple.
No baking or chilling required; just grind the ingredients together, roll 'em out, and cut. Easy, healthy go-power.
Popcorn with a tasty nutritional kick! Delicious served in place of breads.