Folate, also known as folic acid, folacin, vitamin M, and pteroylglutamic acid, belongs to the water-soluble B vitamin
It appears that soys high dietary levels of plant estrogens dont increase breast-cancer and uterine-cancer risk,
Dream Puffs Yields 18 to 20 small turnovers Nothing finishes a meal like creamy chocolate in crispy phyllo dough. Prep
Gingerbread Stars Yields 2 to 2 1/2 dozen cookies Natural sweeteners, fresh ginger and orange juice give these
Thai Spring Rolls Yields 6 Large Spring Rolls Made from rice flour and precooked, rice papers are the key to spring
Coffee Custard Serves 6 “This dessert was inspired by my grandfather’s morning ritual of making coffee,” says Lunsford.
Open-Face Curried Tempeh Sandwich Serves 4 Tempeh’s chewy texture and nutty flavor make it a wonderful sandwich
The full-bodied aroma of sesame seeds and toasted sesame oil gives this dish deep flavor. Add steamed broccoli and tofu to make a nutritionally complete one-dish meal.
Piquant Tabouleh Pockets Makes 6 pockets You can easily spice up instant tabouleh by adding a few fresh ingredients.