You're green at home, but how green are you at work? These simple tips and eco-products will help you think outside the box—while sitting in your cube.
Use green materials.
Encourage your company to stock recycled paper, envelopes, pens, ink cartridges, and other supplies whenever possible. In the bathroom and kitchen, use biodegradable soaps and reusable cloth or recycled paper towels.Try: Pentel Recycology pens, composed of 50 percent to 100 percent recycled content
Green your workspace.
Buy furniture that is made from recycled (as well as recyclable) materials. Use plants to increase oxygen airflow and natural daylight, which improve productivity.Try: Ecowork sustainable office furniture, composed of 95 percent recycled materials
Use less energy.
Switch to compact fluorescent lightbulbs, turn lights off in rooms not being used, and turn off and unplug electronics at the end of the day. Decrease your computer monitor’s brightness and use built-in power-saving features.Try: GE Soft White Energy Smart Spiral Light Bulb, 60-watt equivalent
Reduce your ink-print.
Trade in paper for emails and electronic documents whenever possible. When you have to print, try using soy ink instead of petroleum-based ink to help reduce fossil fuel use.Try: Print Recovery Concepts Inc. SoyPrint ink cartridges