How to select
Two types of intensely orange persimmons dominate the market: Hachiya, tomato-shaped with an acornlike point, and Fuyu, smaller and squat. Hachiyas must be completely mushy to eat, while sweet Fuyus are best firm. Ripen at room temperature. (Hachiyas may take several days.)
Preparation tips
Hachiyas: Scoop out rich pulp and eat immediately or freeze. Blend in a smoothie, add to cake or quick-bread batters, mix into a sweet-potato casserole, or use atop ice cream or oatmeal.
Fuyus: Combine firm, diced Fuyus with chopped apples, dates, figs, and toasted nuts for a fabulous autumn salad.
Health benefits
Persimmons contain abundant fiber, beta-carotene, vitamin C, and potassium.