Packing seven to nine servings of fresh fruits and vegetables into each day may seem daunting. But with a little creativity and foresight, you can easily tackle the USDA’s recommended daily dose. Follow these simple (and delicious!) tips to effortlessly integrate more fruits and veggies into your daily regimen.
- Keep a bowl of whole fruit in a visible spot, such as on the kitchen table, counter, or an eye-level refrigerator shelf.
- Add crushed pineapple, diced apples, or sliced red grapes to coleslaw.
- When baking, substitute applesauce for half of the oil.
- Skewer bananas, berries, and pineapple chunks to make fun fruit kabobs.
- For dessert, try baked apples, peaches, or pears drizzled with honey.
- Shred carrots or zucchini into meat loaf, casseroles, and bread and muffin mixes.
- Keep cut veggies in a clear container in the refrigerator for easy snacking.
- Decorate plates and serving dishes with colorful pepper, carrot, or radish slices.
- Include chopped veggies in pasta sauces and lasagna.
- Instead of tortilla chips, dip fresh bell pepper slices in salsa.
- Top a green salad with salsa rather than salad dressing.