50: number of years before the world’s oil supply is estimated to run dry.
1 million: dollar amount in sales of gas/electric hybrid cars in 2000.1
3.5 billion: dollar amount in estimated sales of hybrids in 2005.1
0: dollar amount in sales of hydrogen fuel-cell engines in 2000.1
4.2 billion: dollar amount in estimated sales of fuel-cell engines in 2005.2
40: percentage reduction of greenhouse gas emissions with a hydrogen fuel cell compared with an internal combustion engine.3
23: highway miles per gallon of a Dodge Caravan minivan.4
68: highway miles per gallon of a gas/electric hybrid Honda Insight.4
42: gallons of gas in a barrel of oil.
25: barrels of oil used each year by the average American driver.5
3: miles per gallon increase it would take in every SUV and light truck to cut U.S. oil consumption by 426,000,000 barrels per year.5
620 million: number of barrels of oil imported into the United States from Saudi Arabia in 2001.
18.6 billion: annual dollar amount it costs to import the oil from Saudi Arabia, based on $30 a barrel.
430 billion: dollar amount the United States has saved since 1970 in energy-efficiency gains.6
4.1 billion: dollar amount it would take to convert 10 percent of U.S. gas stations to hydrogen.7
1. Business Communications Co. Inc.
2. Adams, Harkness & Hill, a Boston-based investment bank
3. H2Gen Innovations Inc., Alexandria, Va.
4. www.fueleconomy.gov
5. Warren Leon, PhD, coauthor of the Consumer’s Guide to Effective Environmental Choices (Crown Publishing, 1999)
6. Energy Information Administration, a division of the U.S. Department of Energy
7. Directed Technologies Inc.