Are you most at home in an old threadbare chair that sits by your window? Is your favorite bedcovering a frayed quilt you salvaged from a flea market? Are you drawn more to unruly patches of wildflowers than to finely manicured gardens?
If so, you’re feeling wabi-sabi—a Japanese phrase that encompasses a love of imperfect beauty, especially where you live. For anyone pressured by consumerism and mass-produced everything, wabi-sabi is a whisper of wisdom, a call to consciously appreciate your living space in all its flawed comforts.
In The Wabi-Sabi House (Clarkson Potter, 2004), author Robyn Griggs Lawrence reveals why wabi-sabi is so valuable and how you can learn to embrace this imperfect art in your life and home.
“Wabi-sabi isn’t like feng shui, where you can know the rules,” says Griggs Lawrence. “It’s really more about honoring yourself, your intuition, and your sense of style—taking the time to find and have [in your house] only things you absolutely love, even if they’re not perfect.”