Activists are calling on the U.S. government to enact three things:
1. Mandatory labeling of genetically modified foods;
2. Rigorous safety testing; and
Advertisement3. A moratorium on the release of new GMOs until safety procedures are in place.
At the end of the last session of Congress, Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, introduced the “Genetically Engineered Food Right to Know Act” that calls for mandatory labeling and identifying a reasonable detection level for GMOs — probably 0.1 percent. In January, Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., introduced similar legislation in the Senate (HR-3377 and S-2080, respectively).
“Mandatory labeling and safety testing is not going to happen unless there’s a very large consumer outcry over it,” says Mike Liguori of Citizens For Health, one of the groups supporting the effort. “Sure, there are potential benefits, but at the same time there are dangers. The bottom line is consumers have a right to know if they want to take the risk. Call your representatives today.” The Capitol switchboard number is (202) 224-3121.