As children, we were instructed, and sometimes pleaded with, to eat our colorful vegetables or try a fruit when in search of a sweet treat.
With the start of colder weather nearly upon us, eating foods in a rainbow of colors is more important than ever to help keep our immune systems strong and ready to combat colds, flus, and other viruses.
Colorful fruits and vegetables contain valuable phytonutrients. These compounds not only give plants their distinctive color, aroma, and taste, but when we eat them, phytonutrients have been shown to have an array of benefits from anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects to reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
Eating a rainbow of produce is easy. Nature provides so many colorful options readily available in any grocery store or market. Try to aim for two to three servings of different colored fruits and vegetables at every meal, as well as one to two at every snack.
Read on and get ready for some eye-catching and tasty inspiration on how to paint your plate with the colors of the rainbow.