1. Wine and exercise: better together than apart
Plenty of previous studies have linked wine consumption with healthy hearts, but new research clarifies the connection: "We found that moderate wine drinking was only protective [against cardiovascular disease] in people who exercised," says lead researcher Miloš Táborský, head of cardiology at the Palacký University Hospital in the Czech Republic. Read on.
2. You can now eat these 21 fish guilt-free
On Tuesday, the Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation announced a major turnaround for West Coast fisheries. The organization's Seafood Watch has officially added 21 species to its sustainable list, including crab, lobster, Pacific cod, and several rockfish species. Read on.
3. Study: You can train your brain to prefer healthy food
New research published in the journal Nutrition & Diabetes suggests that, over time, adults can successfully recondition their brains to prefer healthy food over junk. Study co-author Susan B. Roberts says: "We don't start out in life loving French fries and hating, for example, whole wheat pasta. This conditioning happens over time in response to [repeatedly] eating what is out there in the toxic food environment.” Read on.
4. Is your food really organic?
With the demand for organic skyrocketing, some fraudulent companies are slapping "organic" labels on on their products to inflate the price. However, thanks to researchers from the Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority and Germany's Wuerzburg University, a new high-tech test may be able to set uncheatable standards in the future. Read on.
5. Barnraiser: the Kickstarter for sustainable food?
Want to start a teaching garden but lack the cash? A new crowdfunding site called Barnraiser hopes to harness the power of the local and sustainable foods movement to become a specialized 'Kickstarter' for agriculture projects. Read on.
Illustration: Katie Eberts