Contact your representatives today asking them to protect and support organic farming in the pending rewrite of the 2012 Farm Bill, now being done in an unprecedented rush for a November 1 deadline. Organic advocate groups are making it easy to make your voice heard. Here's how.
Contact your representatives today asking them to protect and support organic farming in the pending rewrite of the 2012 Farm Bill, now being done in an unprecedented rush for a November 1 deadline. Organic advocate groups are making it easy to make your voice heard. Here's how.
Today is Food Day, a nationwide gathering of forces seeking "to push for healthy, affordable food produced in a sustainable, humane way."
No better day, then, to contact your representatives asking them to protect and support organic farming in the pending rewrite of the 2012 Farm Bill, now being done in an unprecedented rush for a Nov. 1 deadline.
Organic farming is a great place to start changing what’s wrong with our food system, from superweeds, pesticide runoff, and GMOs to reviving local economies and giving more Americans access to healthy food choices as a way to fight back against obesity. Make a call today to let our government know we want more solutions from this Farm Bill, not the same old practices that have gotten our food system, and national health, where they are today.
Organic advocate groups are making it easy to make your voice heard.
Email your reps with the Organic Trade Associations pre-formatted form.
Or call them, always a powerful form of communication. The Organic Farming Research Foundation offers the following talking points, which you can leave as a voicemail:
I am your constituent. I want you to support the fastest growing form of agriculture in America- Organic Farming. You must increase funding for critical organic programs in the Farm Bill proposal to the Super Committee.
Organic programs ensure job creation and economic growth.
You must increase funding for:
- Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative
- Organic Data Initiative
- National Organic Certification Cost-Share Program
- National Organic Program
- Conservation Programs