Spring Into Comfort
Spring may be coming, but there are vestiges of winter to contend with first: some snow maybe, cold days interspersed with thaw (mud, wet). To sustain you until the green returns, here’s a to-do list. Not that kind; this is not a list to provoke procrastination but to inspire you to emerge from hibernation.
- Book a pedicure. Feet will soon reemerge from thick socks and waterproof boots, so it’s time to buff and polish.
- Plan your garden. Take a good, long look through those seed catalogues piled up by your bedside. Imagine the blooming season of your dreams and order accordingly.
- Bake a batch of cookies (the tasty, grainy, healthy kind) and deliver them—to the firehouse, to the senior center, to the neighbor who plowed your driveway for all those months.
- Pack way the flannel and bring out the lighter-weight sleepwear. Think floral.
- Spring cleaning. See “Better Cleansers” for natural alternatives to toxic cleaning products.
- Renewal is what this upcoming season is about, so plug in a tape and learn as you go. Begin the Adventure of a Lifetime, by Angeles Arrien, will prime you for self-actualization in the second half of life (www.soundstrue.com).
- Write a letter the old-fashioned way. Invest in the luxury of stationery—thick, vellum paper—and use a special, high-quality pen.
- Check out volunteering possibilities in your town.
- Get back into yoga—stretch, breathe, prepare body and mind for the outdoor, on-the-go season that’s just around the corner.
—Viki Psihoyos