We focused on the health issues of most concern to you, our readers, for Delicious Living’s 2005 annual guide to health and wellness. Forty percent of you are concerned about the level of stress in your lives. Forty-eight percent of readers struggle with allergies and would like to know about natural ways to treat them. To help address some of these concerns, we sought out people experiencing these same problems and found experts who offered advice and pragmatic tips with a natural lifestyle focus.
Our real-life subjects followed the experts’ advice and made lifestyle changes for several months. Then, at a later date, we went back to find out what worked and what didn’t, and to see whether our experts could answer any questions that had arisen. The result is a series of articles that offers solutions to the health issues you care about most. We hope you find this guide useful.
Jean Weiss
Contributors Denver-based photographer Rob Hawthorne works well with people, which is why he enjoyed shooting the subjects for our annual guide to health and wellness. “I like meeting different people and learning about their unique situations,” he says. “It’s great working with them to make them look their best in the photos.”
Writer Carlotta Mast wrote this month’s feature stories, which pair people who have a variety of health conditions with natural health experts. “Writing these articles emphasized to me the importance of a healthy diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep,” she says. Mast hopes these stories provide similar inspiration for Delicious Living readers.