Remedy/Keyword |
Symptoms |
Bruises |
Arnica Advertisement |
Common bruises. Injuries from blow or fall. Shock. Worse if touched. |
Ruta |
Injuries of bones, shins, soft tissue. Sprains. Worsens when lying down or during cold, wet weather. |
Common Cold |
Aconite |
Sudden onset, often after exposure to cold weather or to hot, dry wind. Indicated for first 24 hours of illness. High fever, anxiety, sensitive to light. Thirsty with burning throat. |
Allium cepa |
Clear, burning nasal discharge. Eyes may be red, tearing and burning. Possible dry cough and sneezing. Worse in warm room or indoors. Better in open air. |
Pulsatilla |
Thick, creamy-yellow nasal discharge. Nose runs in open air, stuffs up indoors and at night. Dry mouth with lack of thirst. Lips chapped. Craves open air. |
Cystitis |
Cantharis |
The most common remedy. Frequent, strong urge to urinate and burning during urination. Restless with severe pain in urethra and bladder. |
Mercurius |
Symptoms are worse at night. Use when burning pain is worse when not urinating. Burning may also be severe just before urination, upon beginning to urinate, or when the last drops are passed. Precautions: Seek medical care if you have complicating health issues (diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease) or are experiencing severe symptoms (bleeding, vomiting, back pain). |
Hayfever |
Sabadilla |
Copious, watery discharge, spasmodic sneezing. Itching in the nose and red, runny eyes. Improved by open air. Possible sensation like a lump in throat and constant urge to swallow. |
Wyenthia |
Upper-respiratory allergies are accompanied by intense itching in the back of the roof of the mouth or itching behind the nose. Continuous, burning watery flow from the nose. Precautions: See a professional homeopath for a constitutional remedy if your hayfever is chronic. |
Headache |
Aconite |
Sudden, violent pain. Restless and fearful. Sensation as if band around head. Fullness in forehead. |
Belladonna |
Intense, throbbing pain. Red eyes, pupils dilated. Face flushed and head hot. Feels worse when lying down. May have high fever. Precautions: Seek medical care immediately for severe headache accompanied by stiff neck or high fever, or if headache is due to head injury. |
Indigestion |
Bryonia |
Stomach feels heavy after eating, sensitive to touch. Thirsty for long drinks of cold water, but may vomit from warm drinks. Worse from movement. |
Chamomilla |
Indigestion follows a fit of anger and irritability. Stomach is distended with gas and cramping. Flushed cheeks and aversion to warm drinks. |
Flu |
Gelsemium |
Classic flu symptoms. Feels tired, weak, heavy and sick. Eyelids are heavy and droopy, face appears dull. Chills, fever, yet little thirst. |
Bryonia |
Irritable. Feels worse with motion. Better when lying still. Headache. Feels better in cool air. May have intense thirst for cold drinks and dry, hacking cough. Extremely restless. Muscles stiff and achy. May be anxious, irritable or depressed. Profuse sweating. Muscle soreness worse when still for long periods, better when moving about. Worse in cold, wet weather. Better in warmth and with applied heat. Precautions: Get immediate medical attention for any fever in a child under four months of age; for fever greater than 102° in children less than two years of age; and for a fever of 106° or higher in any age group. Also for fever accompanied by a rash. |
Rhus tax |
Extremely restless. Muscles stiff and achy. May be ansious, irritable or depressed. Profuse sweating. Muscle soreness worse when still for long periods, better when moving about. Worse in cold, wet weather. Better in warmth and with applied heat. Precautions: Get immediate medical attention for any fever in a child under four months of age; for fever greater than 102º in children less than two years of age; and for a fever of 106º or higher in any age group. Also for fever accompanied by a rash. |
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) |
Chamomilla |
Marked irritability and anger. Acute menstrual cramps that may feel like labor pains. Sensation of weight and bearing down in pelvis. Pain relieved by warmth. |
Pulsatilla |
Sensitive, moody, weepy or depressed. Cramps, dizziness, fainting, nausea, diarrhea, back pain and headaches possible. No thirst, feels worse in heat. |
Lachesis |
Uterine and ovarian pain. Back pain, dizziness, headaches, diarrhea. Symptoms begin or worsen during sleep; relieved when menstrual flow begins. |
Sources: Everybody's Guide to Homeopathic Medicines (Jeremy P.Tarcher/Perigee) by Dana Ullman, M.P.H. and Stephen Cummings, M.D.; Homeopathic Medicine at Home (Jeremy P.Tarcher Inc.) by Maesimund B. Panos, M.D., and Jane Heimlich.