Children’s health: Chamomilla vulgaris (teething with irritability), Colocynthis (colic), Aloe socotrina, podophyllin (diarrhea)
Colds and flu: Allium cepa (runny nose, sneezing), Antimonium tartaricum (rattling cough), Belladonna (fever, congestion), Kali bichromicum (thick, sticky mucus), Pulsatilla (thick, bland mucus), Oscillococcinum (flu, proprietary remedy)
Injuries and pain:Arnica montana (bruises, swelling), Calendula officinalis (burns, scrapes, skin irritations)
Respiratory allergies: Allium cepa (allergies with runny nose), Euphrasia officinalis (burning, irritated eyes), Galphimia glauca (hay fever), Histaminum hydrochloricum (allergies), Sabadilla (allergic sneezing)
* Check with a health care provider first for diagnosis; then consult a homeopathic practitioner to determine the right remedy and dose.