10 ways to say no to plastic
Humans have generated 8.3 billion metric tons of plastic since 1950, according to a 2017 University of Georgia study. What’s more, almost 80 percent of that plastic is still sitting in landfills or junking up the environment. Plastic—even the biodegradable kind—never really goes away. It clogs waterways, chokes out wildlife and emits toxic chemicals that leech into water and soil.
As an eco-conscious family, you’re already mindful about your plastic usage. You probably shop the bulk bins and tote your own cloth shopping bags. You likely store leftovers in sealed glass containers instead of zip-top bags and bring a refillable water bottle to the gym. These are all excellent ways to cut down your plastic usage, but there are even more, less-obvious things you can do. Here are 10 ideas you may not have thought of.