8 breathing techniques to calm anxiety
The cooling breath
The Cooling Breath is a technique used in yoga, and the proper term for it is Sitali Pranayama. This is the act of drawing the air across the tongue and into the mouth to have a cooling and calming effect on the nervous system.
What to do:
Sit comfortably, either in a chair or on the floor with your shoulders relaxed and spine naturally erect. Lower the chin, curl the tongue lengthwise and project it out of the mouth to a comfortable distance. Inhale gently through the straw formed by your curled tongue while lifting your chin toward the ceiling, lifting only as far as you are comfortable. At the end of inhalation, with your chin raised, retract the tongue and close the mouth. Exhale slowly through the nostrils as you lower your chin to a neutral position. Repeat for 8 to 12 breaths.