One-week grain-free meal plan
Day 5
- Banana Nut Pancakes (see recipe 1 on page 2 of PDF); top with ½ cup warmed applesauce and ¼ tsp cinnamon
- 1 cup mango slices, tossed with 1 tsp lime juice
- 1 cup cucumber slices
- 1 /3 cup guacamole
- Tuna sandwich: 2 slices toasted paleo bread with ½ cup baby spinach and Avocado Tuna Salad (see recipe 6 on page 3 of PDF)
- 1 oz kale chips
- Fruit salad: ½ cup strawberries, 1 sliced small banana and 1 tbsp unsweetened coconut flakes
- Burger: 4 oz grass-fed beef patty on 2 slices toasted paleo bread, spread with 1 tbsp guacamole and topped with ¼ cup baby spinach
- Sweet Potato Fries (see recipe 7 on page 3 of PDF)
Daily total: 1,824 cal, 96g fat (18g mono, 14g poly, 27g sat), 269mg chol, 1,484mg sodium, 175g carb (54g fiber, 80g sugars), 94g protein