6 superfoods and how to eat them every day
Wheat germ
Long the darling of the health food scene, wheat germ is now getting some well-deserved recognition as a superfood. The embryo of a wheat kernel, wheat germ is rich in vitamin E,a potent antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory effects and helps protect against heart disease. Wheat germ oil is also high in octacosanol, a compound that helps lower total and LDL cholesterol levels and raises good HDL levels. Octacosanol has also been shown to improve reaction time, suggesting it has a neurological effect.
Quick tip: Because it's high in oils, wheat germ should be stored in the refrigerator to prevent oxidation and rancidity. Buy wheat germ that's packaged in sealed or vacuum-packed containers, rather than in bulk.
How to eat more wheat germ
•Replace up to half a cup of flour with wheat germ in bread and muffin recipes; stir 1/4 cup into pancake batter.
•Sprinkle wheat germ on hot or cold cereals.
•Stir a tablespoon of wheat germ into smoothies or yogurt.
Try this recipe: Blueberry-Walnut What Germ Muffins