Supplement Use Notes Calcium1,0001,200 mg/day. May help reduce systolic blood pressure in people with hypertension; may
These supplements support women’s specific health needs.
Milk Calories Total Fat Saturated Fat Carbs Protein Notes Soy 100 4g 0g 8g 7g Closest in nutrient content and
Pregnant adolescents who don’t eat enough dairy may be competing with their growing babies for calcium, according to recent research (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003, vol. 77, no. 5)
Herb/Supplement Amount To Take How It Works Comments Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus) 35 ml of tincture three times
Chlorella species of green algae are in many dietary supplements and are touted to have healing properties.
Vitamin A is the “skin vitamin,” relieving various types of problems. Vitamin A is especially helpful in treating acne
Happy Days 15 herbs to treat classic teen concerns By Kathi KevilleIllustrations by Jennifer Kalis The teenage years