This combo knocks out all five food-color categories in one shot: green (celery), red (beets), orange (carrots), white (eggplant), and blue or purple (eggplant skin).
This killer concoction is easy to make and will get you going in the morning.
A stunning side dish.
Take advantage of incomparably sweet fresh corn and zucchini, widely available at this time of year.
Here’s an easy way to use leftover chicken from last night’s barbecue.
This nourishing salad, rich with carotenes and vitamins B and C, is also refreshing and easy to digest—perfect for a hot day spent swimming at the beach.
Fresh vegetables and brown rice provide a good dose of complex carbs, while the chicken, peanut butter, and peanuts offer healthy protein.
Modeled after a fantastic sauce I had with lamb cubes at a Turkish restaurant in San Francisco, this all-purpose yogurt sauce hits many notes: sweet, sour, hot, salty, herbaceous, and that mysterious savory flavor the Japanese call umami.
The yogurt marinade makes the meat wonderfully tender, moist, and healthy.