Whether you call them chickpeas, ceci beans or garbanzos, these round beans (high in iron, calcium and fiber) can do more than turn into hummus.
This savory tart makes a wonderful lunch or dinner entrée served with a green salad.
Winners of our online poll for the best Delicious Living recipes.
For kids and adults alike, these homemade Popsicle recipes are your best bet for a cool summer snack.
Delicious Living on Social MediaHealthRecipes
#WholeFoodInspiration contest: our favorite entries!
July 16, 2014“What’s your whole food inspiration?” was the question, and you answered with dozens of fantastic photos, recipes, and more.
With so much amazing produce in season, what can’t you throw on the grill? We love what’s been coming through the #healthygrilling tag on Instagram lately. Here are a few of our favorites.
Share your #wholefoodinspiration with Delicious Living and MegaFood, and delight in dozens of seasonal recipes with our first-ever Farm-Fresh Cookbook!
An addictive snack or side dish. Plantains look like large green bananas but have a higher starch content and milder taste. Ripe plantains are yellow with black patches and may appear bruised. To peel a plantain, first cut off the ends, and then make five lengthwise slits in the peel, trying to avoid cutting deeply into the flesh. Lift up the tip of the peel and run your thumb along one of the slits, pulling back and removing the peel.
An elegant, supereasy dessert.