Old NH360
Serves 8 / A rich and comforting holiday treat. Its great warm but can also be eaten cold (chill at least two hours or
Photos by Leigh Beisch Flavors and combinations drawn from Ayurveda, the ancient Indian healing system, add a soothing
The cozy smell of fresh cinnamon cookies, a whiff of nutmeg-sprinkled eggnog, gingerbread baking in the oventhese
Sattvic Khichari November, 2004 Serves 8 / Khichari is a stew typically made of mung beans and rice, and sattwa is the
Cinnamon-Orange Rice Pudding November, 2004 Serves 8 / A rich and comforting holiday treat. Its great warm but can also
Festival Rice November, 2004 Serves 810 / Myriad flavors and textures enliven this sumptuous holiday rice. In Ayurvedic
Fresh Herb and Baby Greens Salad with Tangy Vinaigrette November, 2004 Serves 8 / Offering green salad with a holiday
Maple-Roasted Parsnips November, 2004 Serves 8 / Parsnips have a light, sweet flavor and crunchy texture that add
Pomegranates, ripe in November, are packed with powerful antioxidants. Here’s how to choose and prepare the tart fruit.