Lifestyle NH360
Corn ethanol may sound like a good alternative energy source, but a high taxpayer burden and heavy environmental costs make this clean-burning fuel as destructive as it is sustainable.
Herban Cowboy Organic Cologne This musky, manly scent will leave dad smelling clean and won’t irritate his skin with
Castor & Pollux Curious Cat Organic Catnip: Sprinkle this treat on scratching posts, or stuff inside an old sock for a
A 2008 study showed that dogs’ and cats’ toxic loads are often substantially higher and more varied than those of their human owners. So how can you take care of your pets and Mother Nature? Here are four ways to start.
Twenty-five years ago, Doug Greene, the founder of New Hope Natural Media, published the first edition of Delicious!
This month marks Earth Day’s 39th anniversary, and to help you celebrate, we’ve dedicated our entire April issue to honoring this important holiday.
Here are some of my favorite springtime recipes for an Earth Day feast, using ingredients found easily at most natural
Rather than entombing that waste in plastic, compost it into nutrient-rich material that when added to your lawn or
In an ideal world, dishes would magically wash themselves and toilets would sparkle with every flush. Unfortunately,