Fats & Oils
Health-minded eaters once worried about the saturated fat in coconut, but studies suggest that coconut oil actually may
Alzheimer’s patients with very mild cognitive impairment may benefit from supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids,
Coconut oil mostly contains medium-chain fatty acids, which provide numerous health benefits.
Pizza Croutons in a Green Salad April, 2006 Serves 4 / This child-friendly meal is wonderfully easy. The proportion of
Walnuts have not only joined the ranks of smart foods, they are now at the top of the class. A recent study conducted
Know the fats Oil Monounsaturated Polyunsaturated Saturated Smoke point (F) Almond, refined 65% 28% 7% 495 Flax,
Legumes help prevent a wide range of diseases. What’s their magic?
Q: What is the difference between flaxseed oil and fish oil? Can I take them interchangeably? A: Both fish and flax
Choose Your FishWhen buying fish, look for firm, shiny fillets. When touched, the flesh should spring back, and it