The FDA Rules: Food Is Not Medicine Does the FDA regulate functional foods the same way it does dietary supplements?
Supplement Scope Nutrition and exercise biochemist Anthony Almada reviews the research behind some of the latest
Patients’ Rights Act An Arizona family is leading the fight against government control of personal health decisions. In
Fluoride: Friend or Foe? It’s more toxic than lead, red dye no. 3 or the pesticide Alar, and only slightly less toxic
Taking Out Toxins by Monika Klein, C.N. A detoxification program to cleanse the body and free the mind. Mary came to my
Beyond the Heart of an Artichoke In recent animal studies, artichoke (Cynara Scholymus) leaves have proven to be
Looking For A Complementary Medicine Practitioner? In the last 10 years, acceptance of complementary medicine
More on GMOs American consumer awareness of and resistance to genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in our food supply
Soy Power by Monica Emerich Eating soyfoods offers a boost in health and longevity. The American public continues to be