Burning answers: You recommended taking magnesium hydroxide for urge incontinence (Take Urgent Action, November 2007)
If you’re in a committed relationship, the sexual aspect deserves to be tended to. Sex is a mood booster. It gives you
You wouldn’t knowingly eat a dangerous substance, so why would you want to breathe one in? According to a recent paper
It sounds like a scenario from a science-fiction novel: The government has declared that meat and dairy from cloned
Humanitarian and Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh reminds us to focus on what really mattersAll of us want to be powerful and
To rebuild or not to rebuild? The August issue was informative. But you said that glucosamine and chondroitin can
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To become an activist for kids around the world, pick up a datebook from Mothers Acting Up, a national collective of
Gone are the days when our grandmothers slathered their faces with Vaseline and Crisco, hoping the fats would keep