Science backs the positive effects of upbeat self-encouragement to power through your workout.
Check out this infographic highlighting the benefits of one of the most research-backed ingredients to help support healthy inflammation response.
Rich in probiotics, protein, and calcium, yogurt is the cream of the crop. Widen your options with lesser-known international styles.
The no-diet diet from Natural Vitality Living (yes, really!).
Whitney Lauritsen, known as EcoVegan Gal, explains her focus on innovation at this week’s Natural Products Expo West.
Blogger and health coach Amy Hendel gears up for Expo West. Here’s what she’s looking for in the kids’ nutrition world.
The Food and Drug Administration’s proposed changes to the Nutrition Facts panel will put more emphasis on calories, realistic serving sizes and added sugar in packaged products.
Rooibos doesn’t just taste great, its health benefits rival those of green tea.
Don’t wait until peak season to fight allergies. Prevent and treat seasonal symptoms with these natural remedies, including bromelain and vitamin C, and learn how spring cleaning can help.