This week, the Lexicon of Sustainability explores the term “climate change” as part of its Food List project.
Genetically edited crops as an alternative to GMOs, how exercise increases pain tolerance, solving the gluten-free pizza problem, and more.
This week, the Lexicon of Sustainability explores the term “locavore” as part of its Food List project.
The best food you’re not eating just might be beets. Check out 6 easy (and delicious) ways to include this colorful veggie in your diet.
Find it challenging to eat seven servings of fruits and veggies per day? Try these doable tips.
Curcumin is as effective as Prozac in treating depression, tart cherry juice helps insomnia, Massachusetts initiates a commercial food waste ban, and more.
The face of hunger in America doesn’t look the same as it once did. Many working families can’t afford groceries, or simply don’t have access to nutritious food. What’s being done about it? Read on.
This week, the Lexicon of Sustainability explores the term “food security” as part of its Food List project.
An infographic from a testing lab connects food sensitivity and weight gain. Is it that simple?