Got questions about FODMAPs? We have answers in this Q&A with Neha Shah, MPH, RD, the certified nutrition support clinician at Stanford Health Care who created the FODMAP chart featured in our previous article.
True balance comes from a calmful place—a nonstressed and positive approach to life and living that includes clarity, focus and personal energy management. Download your free guide to finding balance from Organic Connections.
Make room, acaí; these high-nutrient foods are coming to a store near you.
We asked our readers to share their own tried-and-true tips for an easy, healthy cleanse. Here’s what you had to say.
Getting your daily vitamin D dose isn’t just a wintertime concern; learn why your body needs more year-round.
There are so many different kinds of oils to help our bodies thrive, each with their own unique value. But what type should you use for your specific need(s)? Here’s a rundown.
Not sure how to cook for the low-FODMAP diet? Use this nifty chart from Stanford Health Care as a reference.
Looking for a fast, effective way to get in shape? A growing body of research supports high-intensity interval training (HIIT) as an effective way to maximize fat loss in minimal time.
Coconut water, you’ve started something. When it comes to healthy hydration, these waters offer lip-smacking goodness and stellar nutrition.