Recent studies suggest that consuming these three foods can lower your blood pressure and keep your ticker ticking—so dig in!
Learn why the full-body approach is the best way to prevent and relieve unwanted symptoms of your menstrual cycle.
Why do dried blueberries need added flavoring? The Dorito Effect, a new book by journalist Mark Schatzker, examines why so many packaged foods contain added flavoring—and what you can do about it.
Is it possible to live completely without any animal byproducts in today’s world? We’ll let you be the judge. Here are 10 things you thought were vegan that may not be—and that you may not be able to avoid.
Research shows that a nutrient-rich diet is the best way to ensure healthy minds and moods in children. Learn how omega-3s can help close the gap.
A new study aims to determine if dog ownership is good for your immune system.
We all need to push boundaries and ask questions in order to make a difference.
What’s your best choice in a sunscreen? We’ve got you covered.
Natural values are rubbing off on these conventional companies—and it’s a step in the right direction.