The winter months are upon us, and it’s time to focus on how to stay healthy as we spend most of our time indoors. Here are seven indoor plants to stock around the house this winter.
Follow gluten’s timeline to get a sense of its checkered past—and emerging future.
Yes, the war on sugar is on. Just how committed are Americans saying they are to get off the sweet stuff? Here’s an infographic to illustrate.
A panic attack or anxiety episode can be scary and difficult to manage, but experts agree breathing techniques can help during those times. Here are 8 ways to relieve the symptoms of anxiety through breathing.
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Delicious Living BlogHealth
Why some people love scary movies (and how they could be good for your health)
October 9, 2017I am not an “adrenaline junkie.” So why am I so curious about dark and disturbing things? Maybe science can explain it.
Ask 100 people what happiness means to them, and you’ll get 100 different answers.
Let’s rewrite the next chapter of food together – and make healthy options available to all.
While happiness may be relative, there are actions you can take every day to keep your mind positive and your body at its best.