Most of us probably grew up with baby aspirin as a house staple. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) now
Black Soybean Hummus Makes about 1-1/4 cups / Black soybeans are a terrific stand-in for chickpeas in this robust
Growth In A Pill By Anthony Almada, MS The positive effects of human growth hormone (hGH)weight and fat loss, muscle
Collagen For Arthritis By Anthony Almada, MS Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is now believed to be an autoimmune disease,
Waning energy, irritability, dry skin, a few extra poundscould be you’re spending too much time at work, or not enough
Time To Laugh April is about more than showers and filing income-tax returns. Humor is the theme of this month, thanks
Yoga 101: What To Wear Finally, after years of contemplation, you’ve signed up for yoga. But what to wear? The Lycra
Given that thyroid imbalances are not usually preventable, the best defense is to catch and treat problems early by
Tea For Weight Loss? By Anthony Almada Should you add oolong tea to your fat-lowering arsenal? Maybe yes, maybe no.