Start Strong To ensure the best odds for lifelong health, make sure your children eat well and exercise and teach them
Recommendation Rationale Notes Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) 10-15 drops tincture 3x/day Dandelion, which is rich in
Recommendation Rationale Notes Get exercise.30 minutes 35x/week Exercise helps brain and bodily system functions. To
Set The Stage Treat yourself well before 40 and you’ll enjoy good health for years to come By Catherine Monahan Lynda
Supplements won’t stop the aging process, but they can help you avoid some of the biggest problems associated with
Recommendation Rationale Notes Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) 3%10% infusions for external use; 34 cups freshly
Recommendation Rationale Notes Get a physical. While you’re healthy is the best time to have a physical and get
The bumper sticker on the car reads, “Getting older is inevitable, but growing up is optional.” A woman’s T-shirt says,
Recommendation Rationale Notes Encourage 45-60 minutes of exercise daily. Exercise is a natural antidepressant and