Wise Words A moment with actress Marsha Mason, the owner of Resting in the River, a certified organic medicinal herb
Beauty Buzz The science behind todays 5 most promising ingredients By Anna Soref Does it seem as if every time you go
Pay Attention Why are so many women just now finding out they have ADD? By Emily A. Kane, ND, Lac “Things are out of
Eating For Type 2? If you have diabetes, heres how to find mealtime satisfaction By Sharon Palmer, RD Discovering that
We tend to gain weight as we age because our metabolism slows. Cutting calories is just part of the weight-control
Problem: Lactose intolerance Common in newly diagnosed celiac disease patients; a temporary lactose-free diet, in
A space to suit your mood When I want to feel calm, I go into our garden and stand beneath the graceful arch my husband
Supplement Rationale Dose Asian Ginseng(Panax ginseng) Elevates energy levels and eases stress 200-400 mg/day Eleuthero
Giving Up Gluten More than 1 million American women have celiac disease, a hard-to-detect digestive disorder associated