Goal: “I want to have more energy so I can go out at night.”
Add these foods to your diet to boost your energy and fight off fatigue.
Transform Your Weight Debs Goal: “I want to stop fearing exercise so I can lose weight.” By Kelli Rosen The Situation
Effective eating for weight loss Recommendation Rationale Notes Commit to a balanced diet. Helps create hormonal
Herbs and supplements for weight control Recommendation Rationale Notes Chromium(200 mcg/day) Helps combat sugar
Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) This fragrant antibacterial herb helps ease tension and insomnia, aids digestion, and
Heartburn Help Learn what to eatand what to avoidto manage acid reflux By Liz Zack During a recent dinner out, Carol
When the U.S. Food and Drug Administration banned the popular weight-loss supplement ephedra (Ephedra sinica) in April
Aloe vera. An anti-inflammatory, aloe vera juice coats the esophagus. Try half a cup two times a day between meals.