According to Ayurveda, three physiological principles called doshaspitta (fire), vata (air), and kapha (earth)govern
Q. What is Mothers Acting Up? A. For me, our mission statement explains it best. It says, “We realize that we live in
What it isElderberry is a member of the honeysuckle family and has been used both as food and medicine for thousands of
Sarah Toland—>Women who cut carbs in an effort to lose weight may be cutting their chances of developing breast
Natural ways to prevent and treat kidney stonesJoel Warner—> A few years ago, at age 48, Greg Wright discovered blood
Sarah Toland—> Trans fatty acids have become the poster child for a bad diet, and recent research from the University
Bryce Edmonds—> Like the sun on a hazy summer day, winters bluster can chap your lips, maybe without you knowing it.
Can you have too much of a good thing? When it comes to inflammation, the answer of course is yes. Inflammationin small
Sarah Toland—> Its every dieters dream to enjoy the cake without the caloriesand results from a recent study