Are you suffering from chronic joint pain in your elbows and knees? A woman with this condition asks a natural health expert and physician for advice. Find out what supplements to take, foods to avoid and what exercise is doable for those with aching knees and elbows.
Q. Lena Jantz: On your advice, Im doing daily breathing and meditation exercises, and these have been very useful in
Q. Tom Meyer: Ive tried implementing your advice, Dr. Morstein, and so far Im very pleased with the results. Ive been
The subject: Jennifer LoperAge: 34Occupation: Freelance editor and mom to David, 3, and Michael, 7Health goals: Find
Fish oil Packed with omega-3 essential fatty acids, fish oil can help alleviate asthma and allergy symptoms. Several
We focused on the health issues of most concern to you, our readers, for Delicious Livings 2005 annual guide to health
The subject: Lena JantzAge: 32Occupation: Leasing agent and associate brokerHealth goals: Decrease her stress levels
A moment with Barbara Wilder, author of Embracing Your Power Woman (Wild Ox, 2005)
August 1, 2005Photo: Jack Greene, The Rose Went Lovely Q. What inspired you to write this book? A. At a certain point in my
The subject: Sonja Warberg Age: 63Occupation: AttorneyHealth goals: Find natural remedies to ease her menopausal