Be wise beyond your years by choosing these five ingredients, which research shows help fight free radical damage and increase collagen production to keep skin healthy and vibrant.
Need a midday boost? Try plant-based stimulants that lend long-lasting fuel in pint-sized packages.
Supplements, beauty products, and tea to help you heal and find balance as you enter the new year.
Milk fortified with probiotics and prebiotics could help keep your child’s immunity high.
If you’re passionate about health and believe in safe and sustainable foods for all, consider tax-deductible contributions to the following.
Keep your kids healthy during their first weeks back at school (and beyond!) with these recipes, supplements, and simple tips.
Women desperately need magnesium because it’s essential to nerve function and can help enormously with calming the anxiety and headaches that affect so many women. It also supports healthy pregnancy and can help ease PMS symptoms. Here’s what to know.
Jeffrey Smith, Executive Director at the Institute for Responsible Technology and a leading consumer advocate for non-GMO foods, has done a yeoman’s job of compiling initial research suggesting plenty of reasons for concern over genetic engineering.
A healthy combination of herbs and supplements, nutrient-rich foods, and regular exercise can boost energy and keep it high.