Delicious Living BlogHealth
Is Johnson & Johnson changing the world of personal care?
August 24, 2012Personal care giant Johnson & Johnson followed up on last November’s pledge to reformulate its baby products by announcing an unprecedented commitment to clean up its adult products, too.
ConditionsDelicious Living BlogHealth
8 takeaways from ‘The 1-2-3’s of Cognitive Function’ Webinar
August 23, 2012Try these eight cognitive health tips you haven’t heard before from Ayurvedic herbal practitioner and Organic India Co-founder Prashanti de Jager.
Pioneering research dives into the impact antibiotics have on childhood obesity. What does this mean for probiotics’ benefits?
Delicious Living BlogHealthRecipes
Kids create winning healthy recipes for White House lunch
August 20, 2012How do you get kids involved in creating and eating healthy food? Sponsor a recipe contest with winners attending a State Dinner with the First Lady.
Delicious Living BlogHealthNatural beauty
How bad is triclosan? New research rouses more debate
August 20, 2012New research linking triclosan to impaired muscle function, including dramatic effects on the heart, puts this harsh antibacterial ingredient back in the limelight and raises more questions about chemical dose, exposure and risk.
He made a poignant speech about our food system at a TEDx conference that garnered hundreds of thousands of views. Now he’s a major speaker in demand, has written his own book and looks forward to being an organic farmer himself. Oh yes—we should mention that he’s only 13 years old. Organic Connections, the magazine for Natural Vitality, illuminates.
Delicious Living BlogHealthSupplements
Best for strong bones? Calcium-rich foods not calcium supplements
August 16, 2012Do you really need a bone-health supplement with 100 percent of the RDA for calcium? Mounting evidence reveals the answer.
Nutrients such as magnesium and vitamin D are associated with significantly lower risk for some cancers, according to studies. But when it comes to cancer treatment and supplements, science lags behind public interest in natural, complimentary therapies.
Delicious Living BlogHealth
School nutritional standards reduce obesity, but we shouldn’t stop there
August 14, 2012It’s official: Researchers find that school nutrition standards help reduce childhood obesity. But schools have untapped potential to do so much more.