Surprising health clues that appear on the surface.
Natural remedies for BPH and inflammation.
Stave off skin cancer with these effective, expert-backed ideas.
Use papaya, that beautiful sunrise-hued fruit that adds color and nutrients to your diet, in these simple ways.
A school garden is a promising venture to turn kids away from the T.V. set, and to get them excited about healthier foods. Bryce Brown, founder of the Growe Foundation, a Colorado nonprofit that implements experiential learning programs in schools.
Is there hope for our children? We explore what’s working in the fight against childhood obesity—and what’s next.
Organic India’s wellness coach Prashanti de Jager offers top tips for implementing a healthy cleanse.
I hate to admit that I actually agree with the Supreme Court’s ruling in Monsanto’s favor. But there’s a larger issue at play—we need to respect the seed.
Organic Connections, the magazine of Natural Vitality, takes a behind-the-scenes look at the Monsanto Protection Act.