Support your skeleton at any age with these expert suggestions.
How organics’ growth has changed the food landscape—for better and worse.
Did you know that cutting your caloric intake by just 10 percent can offer antiaging benefits? Here are some easy swaps to try.
Should food chains label GMOs? Natural Vitality Living reports on Chipotle’s latest initiative.
What happens when one family tries to grow their own food for a year? Natural Vitality Living set out to find out.
The upsides of modern advances come loaded with downsides: We’re more sedentary, stressed, and exposed to toxins than ever before. Learn all-natural solutions for top health menaces you’re facing now.
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Where can you get informed, free natural health advice?
August 7, 2013Guess where you can get in-person advice on modern health concerns?
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Swap ho-hum table salt for these interesting varieties. Bonus: They’re more flavorful, so you’ll use less.