Holly Hirshberg helped solve the economic problems in her own family by planting a garden to feed them. Now, through her nonprofit organization The Dinner Garden, Holly is helping families all over America achieve the same success—by sending them seeds, free of charge. Organic Connections, the magazine for Natural Vitality, investigates.
Delicious Living BlogNutrition
Is high fructose corn syrup really worse for you than sugar?
February 7, 2012As the great sugar debate rages on, new research finds high fructose corn syrup acts differently in the body than cane or beet sugar—and with potentially harmful effects. But what does this mean for us?
Livestock drug ractopamine is sickening animals at an alarming rate. Which makes you wonder: What is the drug doing to people who consume trace amounts of it every day?
Tired of wondering which fruits and veggies were grown with pesticides, if the chickens were really treated humanely, and how far those apples had to travel to get to your cart? City dweller Novella Carpenter was and took matters into her own hands. Organic Connections, the magazine for Natural Vitality, reports.
You don’t need a farm to become a homesteader. The next generation of homesteaders are urban, with an emphasis on self-reliance and sustainability. Here are a few ways to get started, including making your own cheese.
Antioxidant-rich dark chocolate can reduce heart disease risk by 37 percent. Here are 4 of our favorite ways to get a healthy dose.
Author, lecturer, and public health attorney Michele Simon has made it her life’s work to help us understand the who, what, and where of political lobbying in the food system.
Quick ways to prepare and eat Edamame.
Craving a crunchy snack without all the sodium? Turn beets, kale and sweet potatoes into crispy perfection with these simple instructions.