Natural beauty
Delicious Living BlogHealthNatural beauty
Are natural beauty brands greenwashing or targets of sensationalism?
March 23, 2012A new study from the Silent Spring Institute targets some top natural brands for containing potentially dangerous ingredients. While most media outlets sensationalized the new, I dug in to get the facts and analyze the study’s recommendations.
Delicious Living BlogHealthNatural beauty
The secret ingredient for better, safer beauty products
March 16, 2012Organic agricultural waste could hold the key to more sustainable cosmetic supply chains.
The latest on choosing standout ingredients for a vibrant, glowing complexion
Delicious Living BlogHealthNatural beauty
Reformulations reflect higher natural, organic personal care standards
March 10, 2012Long-standing natural personal care companies are raising the bar on their ingredients and investing in consumer trust. Nowhere is this more evident than at Expo West 2012.
Delicious Living BlogHealthNatural beauty
6 natural personal care trends on my Expo West 2012 radar
March 2, 2012Men’s skin care, the latest in natural sunscreen, ingredient innovation, nutricosmetic breakthroughs: Here are just a few of the many natural personal care trends bound to make Natural Products Expo West 2012 the most beautiful to date.
Natural ingredients can help fight aging, acne and more from the inside out.
See why blue-green algae may become sunscreen’s latest “it” ingredient.
Delicious Living BlogHealthNatural beauty
Poop in the face? Organic fertilizer ingredient enters natural skin care
February 10, 2012We’re continuously seeking natural alternatives to synthetics in our cosmetics and skin care. But are Americans ready to embrace this emerging ingredient?
Natural beauty
Video: Delicious Living’s 2012 Beauty & Body Awards on FOX 31 Denver
February 7, 2012Beauty Editor Jessica Rubino presents the winners of Delicious Living’s 2012 Beauty & Body Awards on FOX 31 Denver’s Good Day Colorado.