Jessica Rubino
After first shedding light on Walgreens’ personal care “double standard” last August, the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics is now asking consumers to take action and urge the retailer to bring more transparency and safer ingredients to its products.
Here’s how non-GMO advocates from across the country have helped ten of their local restaurants earn various levels of “GMO-free” status and introduced local non-GMO ballot initiatives.
It can be daunting to use a new sweetener, especially when it comes in a variety of forms. Here’s how to use one popular sweet sugar replacement.
Check out this infographic highlighting the benefits of one of the most research-backed ingredients to help support healthy inflammation response.
Slow the hands of time with natural, science-backed ingredients.
The no-diet diet from Natural Vitality Living (yes, really!).
Two words of advice: just relax.
Sit at a desk all day? Don’t forget to move it, for health’s sake.
One easy way to support health and wellness: prepare a nutritious meal.