Delicious Living Contributor
Carol O'Sullivan
Self-Healing With Self-Massage by Monica Emerich Try these do-it-yourself massages to heal, strengthen and rejuvenate
Confections and DessertsDairy-FreeGluten-FreeRecipesWheat-Free
Chocolate-Studded Strawberry Apple Crisp
February 1, 2000A dairy- and wheat-free dessert for both fruit and chocolate lovers.
This delicious chocolate sauce is rich in taste, but not in fat.
Depending on their size and shape, these waffles make a terrific base or garnish for a frozen dessert. They’re also delicious simply drizzled with chocolate sauce on its own.
A Matter of Taste Your spouse says the meal you cooked is bitter you think he’s crazy and tell him so. But wait a
Eating By The Book by Monika Klein, C.N. Despite the shifting focus from thinness to fitness, we are still a society
Taking Your Diet to Heart by Suzanne Girard Eberle, M.S., R.D. What you can do today to decrease your risk of heart
February Calendar during February, Heart Health Month. Eat heart-healthy garlic, onions, cold-water fish and soyfoods.
Zinc, Not Iron, For Pregnancy-induced Anemia Anemia, or low red blood cell count, is one of the most common medical